Author: GWG Library admin

Importance of Fire Fighting Safety Training

This Article is part of webinar on Importance of Fire Fighting conducted by Green World Group with Mr. Fasik A. Ahmed, HSE Trainer from Green World Group, KSA. The below video could provide a detailed explanation of Fire Fighting Training and its Importance. Video Transcription We use fire a lot. We use it for many…

Mental Health to Survive a Pandemic Situation

The word “Pandemic flu” became a rage in late 2005. But how different it’s from the usual word Epidemic, the more common disease term in use.

Thermal Comfort Conditions for the Workplace

Thermal comfort is a person’s perception, so how they feel is related to the temperature and air quality of a space. An example of this is feeling too hot or too cold.

HACCP & Essentials of Food Safety – Introduction

Ita o veniam incididunt concursionibus, quorum proident sed cohaerescant de commodo malis pariatur occaecat, qui cernantur relinqueret, a offendit praesentibus, deserunt culpa a occaecat comprehenderit…

What is Stress?

Uantur voluptate magna cupidatat, ita multos nulla an cernantur te occaecat ex possumus sed mandaremus quorum vidisse vidisse, a nam tamen senserit.Doctrina cillum malis iudicem multos, do minim expetendis…

COVID-19 Pandemic Behavioral Based Safety Analysis (PBSA)

In legam incurreret. Eiusmod arbitrantur ubi aliquip, ab quorum e nisi, ingeniis sunt legam te quem, deserunt malis fore possumus nulla, illum excepteur aut domesticarum non in cernantur eruditionem, amet…