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Musculoskeletal Disorders at Work

Employers must safeguard employees against the risks of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) caused or exacerbated by their jobs. MSDs are a group of ailments and illnesses that affect the back, joints, and limbs. If these risks exist, the employer must also consider specific risk assessments on manual handling, vibration, and working with display screen equipment in…

World Youth Skills Day 2022

Transforming youth skills for the future in Health & Safety One of the budding sectors for youth employment is Occupational Safety and Health. However, there are still a lot of gaps between the industrial requirement and people’s awareness and skills in this field. Hence on this day, i.e., “World Youth Skills Day 2022 – Transforming…

Global Energy Independence Day

Is Nuclear Power the safest way to achieve Energy Independence? Nuclear power has become the future of Global Energy Independence. Hence, this Global Energy Independence Day, we will explore the potential of nuclear power as a far safer option to achieve the goal of energy independence than any other energy source. Suppose you are wondering…

Formula 1 Safety Measures – The Cars

Safety is the priority for the current FIA management, and they want the sport to be entertaining and, at the same time, safe for the people involved in the event. In the previous blog, we saw the safety factors and features associated with the drivers, and in this blog, we will see the safety involved…

Fire Escape Hoods

In the workplace, which especially deals with chemicals or toxic substances, one usually has an emergency response plan to deal with the emergency related to fire. But often, in moments when a fire develops and rages through the workplace, there are times when workers have to deal with hazardous smoke and toxic fumes, even when…

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

A Drug-Free World Starts with a Drug-Free Workplace Many of our colleagues or us might have shown up to work at some point on a Monday morning with a hangover from the previous night’s party. I am sure you can remember how the day might have gone – a headache with decreased productivity, irritability, and…