This Video is continuation of HACCP & Essentials of Food Safety Webinar conducted by Green World Group with Mr. Aloysius G. Pasion – Food Safety Manager and Quality Pillar Lead, Nestle’ MENA, Middle-East & Africa.
For better understanding, read our previous article, HACCP & Essentials of Food Safety – Introduction.
Video Transcription
HACCP at the shop floor

So, you have verified your PRP’s are strongly in place. They have been verified that they’re effective. They’re a really working for you in such a way that they’re providing the foundation for your quality system.
So now you can develop your HACCP study.
So we’re talking about,
- what is a hazard? and
- what is the risk associated with that particular hazard?
So when we say hazard, we’re talking about the contaminant that can cause an adverse health effects.
Taking into consideration, what is the risk of this particular hazard coming into your process?
When we say risk, we’re talking about the probability of that particular hazard and how it can come into your process.
So risk particularly means it’s the function of the probability of that particular adverse health effect and the severity of that health effect, inconsequential to foot safety hazard. Straightforward, it’s a preventative approach in order to assure food safety.
So in HACCP,

we have an assessment process to identify these hazards and to be able to identify control measures and categorize this control measures in order to make sure that this control measures to reduce this hazards are unacceptable.
So in order to have a strong food safety management system, you need to have strong PRPs followed by an effective HACCP system in order to ensure food safety.