This session is about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) conducted by Green World Group with Mr. Fasih A Ahmed, HSE Trainer – Green World Group, KSA gives detailed explanation on what is PPE, when to use it, how to use it and much more…
Video Transcription
what we have to understand here that it’s in our human nature to protect ourselves. But what we lack is, we lack financially, we lack supervision and we lack training.
So who provides us with that?

Well, it’s supposed to be our employers, who must provide with us. They must do the adequate study of the workplace to understand
What is hazardous? What are the procedures? What would cause injury, illness, and fatalities to these workers?Again, the employer must follow the hierarchy of control to eliminate these hazards or to substitute them. But our last and final line of defense comes down to PPE, personal protective equipment.

Our last line of control, now under OSHA, the rules and regulations for personal protective equipment standard comes down to this, saying that our employer must provide at no cost employees with PPE, right. So that they can be protected against related injuries as well as illnesses and fatalities.
Our hierarchy of control relies on our very first step is to eliminate, try removing the hazard entirely. But most of the times that’s not possible.

“So we will resolve to the next step, which would be replaced the hazard, what substitution or replacing it, then that after that we go towards integrating controls, try to ask them, isolate the people from the hazard”
And administrative control would decrease their duration, decrease their exposure, and finally comes down to protecting the workers with personal protective equipment.
First assess the workplace to determine, what the present hazards there are, then associate the necessary PPE accordingly.
And once the proper PPE has been selected, the employer must provide trainings to each employee so that they understand the value of the PPE as well as how to use it and how it will protect them.

“When we determined between the hazards, we must first identify what category of hazard they are”
Are they physical hazards? And physical hazards are associated to falling objects, sharp objects, electrical hazards, slip, trips, and falls, harmful dust, rolling and pinching objects.